Sunday, 9 January 2011


Historically we know that indians had played a similar game with a raquet and a ball but the origins of badmniton are british. British military officers created badminton with a Champagne cap and feathers upon their return from India and named it battledoor and shuttlecock. The first rulesbook was written by Isaac Spratt but no exemplar exist anymore. Badminton was considered as an olympic game in 1992.

There are two types of game : single and double.  The rules are very simple. First you have to engage diagonally after the first line and before the last one, in a double game the player has to engage before the second line, in every case of engagement you must engage under the hips. The side limits of the court are the sidelines, the first if you are a single player or the second if you play a double game. Now you have to touch the otherside ground with the shutllecock.

But sometimes it isn't as simple as the rules, like here in this match between China and Malaysia.

Now in single game the world champions are chinese and in double game Danmark for the men and malaysian for the women. The fastest shutllecock ever thrown had a speed of 416km/h !!!

Have a nice time playing badminton.


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